Countdown to Grace

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Friday, November 21, 2008

Tagged Again!!

I know, I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Life usually gets crazy around this time of year. My awesome sister-in-law, Erin tagged me and here is what you get, 5th folder, 50th picture. Adie has outgrown baths in the kitchen sink and has moved onto the bath tub and she loves it!! She caught on real quick that splashing is not only fun for her, but splashing gets Mommy all wet too. I can't believe how big she is getting and she is getting really good at pulling hair, as you can see.
I tag Heather, Erin (Ludwig), Stacy, Rachel, and Ashley

Friday, October 31, 2008

Under the Sea Halloween

Well we are preparing to go out of town for the weekend and thought we should get these pictures up tonight since we promised Nana White that we would! These are Adie's Halloween pics. Jonny came up with the idea and Jeana and Nana Botkin made the whole thing from scratch! Cutest baby ever!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Family Pictures

My sister-in-law, Cheri has many amazing talents and one of them happens to be photography. I asked her to take my pregnancy pictures, Adie's birth announcement pictures, and some family pictures for me. I really needed to get my butt in gear and get some family pictures done before Adie got any bigger. We all meet up at the little park in Cedar Hills and took these. I think they are awesome!! Thanks Cheri!!

Catch Up!

I just love October and am really sad that tomorrow is the last day of October, but at least its Halloween. I love that this month the leaves really start to change color, the wind starts blowing the leaves off, the air cools down, fall and Halloween decorations are everywhere, and the smell of fall is everywhere. My amazing mom and I have been working on Adie's costume it looks so good. I am so excited for the finished product. Let me just say that my mom is beyond amazing and she is such and awesome seamstress. We sewed everything together. You'll have to wait until tomorrow to see it. The last two weeks have been a little crazy but good all the same. We had Jonny's work retreat up at Daniel's Summit, Branson's 3rd birthday party, Kamie's baby shower, family pictures, and now Halloween. And come to think of it, the next two months are going to be just as crazy, but it will be way fun.

Jonny's work retreat

This was our room, a king suite and it was really really nice to.

Adie all dressed up for Aunt Kamie's baby shower. Adie looked so cute in her red coat and red and white pants. She did have two socks at one time, but one got lost along the way.

Jonny and I cared pumpkins for FHE on Monday night. We are such cheaters, we use that carving party kit book you can buy at Wal-Mart. This is Jonny's pumpkin with lights on and the next picture is with the lights off. It turned out pretty cool. My pumpkin was of a cat, it was more cute and causes fuzzy feelings inside than scary or cool like Jonny's.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

3 Months!!!!

I can't believe that my baby is 3 months old today!! The time has gone by super fast. She has been the best baby ever. For the past 2 weeks she has been been laughing, giggling, and talking like crazy and I absolutely love it. Enjoy these pixs of Adie!!!!

Adie and her daddy

Adie and her Build-a-Bear Buddy

I've been tagged

Well I have been tagged. I have been waiting for this to happen and it did. This is the 4th pix out of my 4th folder. This pix is when I was 8 and a half months pregnant. Funny thing is these were taken on Thursday by my sister-in-law and the following Tuesday I had Adie. Good thing I had these taken early. Oh! I look awful!!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy and Sad Moments

Well the past week brought a lot of fun times, and one not so fun time! Last Friday, Jonathan's family began arriving in town to participate in Adalyn's blessing. Jonathan's mom and dad, sister and brother-in-law and nieces, as well as one of his brothers made the trip to be here. It was a blast to see them and spend the weekend with them. It made for an enjoyable and relaxing weekend for us. Sunday morning Adie was blessed at our chapel in Pleasant Grove. All of Jeana's brothers and her dad stood in the circle as well as Jonathan's dad, brother and brother-in-law. Jonathan's friend Mark from the mission, Alex Johnson from the mission, and Jeana's Mission President, Jerry Hatch stood in the circle as well. It was a very special day for us.

Jonathan's Family

President and Sister Hatch (Jeana's Mission President)

After the blessing we went back to the Botkin house for a luncheon. Thank you to all of our family and friends that came to this special event to support us and show their love for our little family. We love you all.

Now, for the not so happy part of our week. On Tuesday, Adalyn had her 2 month check-up with Dr. Wilcox. She got 5 shots and an oral vaccine. She cried and cried all day until she finally went down for bed. Her little legs were swollen, she had a fever and her Crayon band-aids didn't seem to make her feel any better! But the good news is that the next day she was back to her same ol' cheery self. At her check-up she weighed 11 Pounds 4 Ounces and was 23 inches long. She smiles all the time and talks up a storm!

Adie Asleep in her swing!

Adie getting ready for a bath!

Brett and Ashley at the luncheon!

Mark and Erin and their daughter Marin with Jonathan.

Adie getting back from her 1st Rhino ride with her Papa Botkin.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

2 Months Tomorrow!

It is so weird to think that Adalyn will be 2 months old tomorrow! It seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital, not knowing what to expect! 2 months later and all 3 of us are still alive. So I guess that means we must have figured out the basics of parenthood! Well it has been a long time since our last post, almost a month. So here is our most current update. Adalyn is over 10 pounds now, sleeps through the night (most nights) and smiles and talks all the time. She is turning out to be pretty easy to please!

The exciting news for the coming week is Adalyn's blessing. She is being blessed on Sunday, September 28! Her Nana and Papa White and some of her aunts and uncles will be coming in from out of state to be there. We are way excited to see them. Plus all her other aunts and uncles who live close will be there too and she always loves hanging out with them. Not to mention all of our friends who will be there to show their support too. It should make for a pretty fun weekend.
Yesterday Adalyn got her first experience with one of the least enjoyable things in the world...hauling hay. She went with her mom and dad, Nana and Papa Botkin, Aunt Cheri and Uncle Jeramy and her cousin Branson. She was the lucky one and got to ride in the truck with Nana the whole time. Then she got to spend a few hours in the evening with Nana and Papa while we went on a date for the first time in 2 months! It was great and she was a peach for her babysitters! Well that is about it for this update. Enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Mad Dash

We decided to take a quick trip to Vegas over the weekend. Jonathan's parents, sister, brother in law, and two neices live there as well as my aunt and uncle and my grandmother. It was a really fun trip and we got to show Adie off to a lot of people.

Uncle Jim, Adie, and Mary (the cat) hanging out for a visit.

Aunt Sydney and Adie having some one on one time.Aunt Sydney, uncle Jim, and AdieGranny and Adie together. Granny, Adie, and me. Jonathan, Alexis, Erin, Adie, Hannah, and GregAlexis, Adie, and me at Cafe Rio in VegasHannah and Adie at Cafe RioWe hung out with Erin and Greg and the girls and played Guitar Hero and Hannah is a pro.Alexis and Adie, way cute huh?

A Perfect Gentleman

Adie and I were hanging out with Ashley and Isaac last week and I got some of the cutest pictures. He was being so sweet and so careful with Adie. He would kiss her little head and tell Ashley, "Adie wants to slide down my slide with me," or "Adie wants to sit on my couch with me." It just melted your heart. Isaac is such a perfect little gentleman. He was so gentle when he held her and he was just beaming the whole time. He will make such an awesome big brother!!